5 Websites I Like to Use

 There are days when my mind goes blank. I can't come up with any ideas. I don’t know what to cook today, what to wear, or what to watch. I am staring at a blank page trying to figure out what to write for a story or a homework assignment. It can be frustrating sometimes when inspiration seems to have abandoned you. I, however, have a few websites that I find useful.  


Pinterest is a place where people can post pictures and videos and create “boards” where you can “pin” these posts into and save them for later. You can find new recipes, new styles, creative inspiration for art or photography and when you click on the pin you will be sent to the website where the pin resonated from. 


Food Network is a helpful website to find an easy recipe to cook. I get bored of cooking the same few dishes that I lose my appetite. Food network gives you the estimated time it would take, the ratings of the dish, the level of difficulty and how to make it.  


When I'm doing my homework or writing, sometimes I need a change of scenery to help me focus.  
I Miss my cafe makes you feel as if you were in a café, and it is relaxing. You can change the volume of the rain, customers, coffee machine, while also being connected to your music.



 Buzzfeed is a fun website that not only has articles but entertaining quizzes that you can take. I like using this for the DIYs and learning what's new in pop culture and cinema.


Watchmojo shows you what is new in film and tv shows. You can see if they are highly recommended and what to expect from them. 



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